Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Lost And Found And Lost And...

Squirrels in my brain again. Ideas and half formed thoughts flash and die in an instant, in an eon. Meaning of life stuff illuminated in a super nova and swallowed in a black hole. Brilliant ideas pop and flash and tantalize just out of reach of remembering. The knowing is there, it is ALWAYS there. It is ALL, always there but too often the key goes missing. The knowing is the river that runs through all of us, through all time and space and can only be seen obliquely. If you try to look at it directly it disappears. Illumination, revelation; there and just as quickly gone. Am I meant to know? Am I not? I think I am, but not yet. The time is not yet. This feels like dancing on the edge of madness. Dancing with purpose – not some mindless unconscious drive – no the dance has purpose and the dancer knows exactly where the edge is, where to step and no farther. It is a dance I have done again and again over endless lifetimes. I remember that much and I know it all has a purpose and a pattern and a key that keeps getting lost – or hidden. It’s right. I know it’s all right. The knowledge is there. It will always be there and when the time is right I will step back into the river and become part of it again and I will be at peace until the dance starts again.

1 comment:

  1. Yikes! You were having a moment, huh?
    But I definitely feel you and have been there!
