Sunday, April 18, 2010

New York - Day 1

No picture today, sorry. Borrowing someone else's computer to connect to the internet and it doesn't read my camera card. Will have to get my computer hooked up to the internet connection here some time later today I hope.

About 2 hours after our flight left we hit some turbulence and had a couple of those short sharp drops in altitude. Someone screamed. I didn't even react and the woman sitting next to me asked "this doesn't bother you?" I told her that unless the fight attendants start barking orders I don't get worried about bumpy air. She was very nervous about flying but I think since Lisa and I were taking it in stride she felt better (at least I hope she did). We arrived at JFK around 12:15 this morning. Getting to SoHo was a breeze - no traffic to speak of at that time of morning.

The brownstone we are staying in, in SoHo, is very nice! Who knew there was so much space in these things! They even have a decent size back yard. It was very nice of Lisa's uncles to let us stay with them for the week. I was awakened at about 6 this morning by a wet, sloppy german shepherd kiss right in my face (I was sleeping on the floor).  2 cats and a dog - better pick up some Benedril. So far it's not bothering me.

Lisa's uncles took us out for breakfast this morning at a little cafe right across the street. Then Lisa & I went for a long walk around SoHo & Tribeca. Walked through Dean & Delucca's (took a couple of pictures in there and some guy came up and told me I couldn't do that). FYI - there's a sign on their door (at about hip level) that says don't take pictures - which you can't see because lots of people are walking in and out the door covering up the sign. Sigh.

Fortunately there are a lot of benches here and there around the city because Lisa can't walk for long periods of time. She is recovering from her back surgery last year but still hasn't gotten her stamina back. The slow pace doesn't bother me, I'm not in a hurry and don't have any agenda to accomplish while I'm here.

Hopefully by tomorrow I will both have some actual photos to post and the ability to get them uploaded.

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