Monday, April 19, 2010

New York - Day 2

OMG - the network is so SLOW here!!! But I am grateful that I have access at all though.

Still no photos yet. Yesterday was a photography FAIL as I was out taking pictures with no media card in the camera (apparenly it was set so that it would still shoot with no card. I have since disabled that feature). We were walking around an area close to where we are staying so I can retrace my steps and re-shoot the really good stuff again tomorrow. Prince Street is great for shooting - so much interesting stuff!

Today we went to see a documentary called "See What I'm Saying" about the struggles and triumphs of 4 deaf performers. Shamefully, I have to admit that I deliberately avoided going to the premier in LA in March because I have not kept up with my signing and I would have been embarrassed to encounter my former teachers at the screening. I was so glad when I got the email that it would be Premiering in NYC while I was here. I STRONGLY encourage EVERYONE to go see this movie (it's captioned for those who don't understand ASL) even if you don't know any deaf people and/or don't know sign language. It is a wonderful movie!!!! I think they're coming out with a DVD soon and maybe going to wider release in the Fall so check it out at

After the movie we came home and Lisa caught up on email while I read a book I got hooked on in my friend's Kindle called Nine Dragons. I like REAL books and will likely never give them up but the Kindle is wonderful for traveling! Thanks, Jack, for loaning it to me.

Speaking of books - this place I'm staying at here in SoHo - these guys have a great library! I could spend my whole week here reading their books, but I won't because there's so many other things to do that I can only do in New York. However there is one book on the shelf entitled "How to Talk Dirty and Influence People" that I will simply HAVE to read before I leave. And they have a very impressive art collection - Basquiat (don't care for his work much, but at least I know who he was), Hockney, Maplethorp and others I don't know but I really like some of their work. Guess some of my art history classes paid off if I can still remember these artists. And this home we are staying in is so charming! Who knew there was so much ROOM behind the doors of those brownstones!!! And they have a beautiful garden! I'm sure it's wonderful to sit out there in the evenings in the summer time. The only minor drawback is that it is 3 stories and our bedroom is on the top floor. I don't do stairs too well these days, but hey, they're gracious enough to let us crash here for a week so I will just go slowly and make it work.

Tonight we went to a nearby Italian restaurant for dinner and I had a pasta dish with lamb. I've decided I'm going to try foods I've never sampled before (instead of ordering what is familiar) while I'm here since this is such a grand adventure for me. After dinner we went around the corner to another little restaurant/bar for a drink before we headed home for the night. The decor is so cute - the (hanging) light fixtures are all old style lampshades of various kinds - that I'm going back when they open tomorrow at 11 to take pictures. I didn't take my camera out with me today since we were going to a movie theatre and they generally frown upon such things, but tomorrow I will be shooting again - and this time I WILL make sure I have the memory card in place.


  1. I was sitting behind you at SWIS Monday! I loved this film also.

  2. It was a fabulous trip and the film, play, company, and the city were wonderful. After two days of walking...I was wiped out for the week. I had a lot of unforseen challenges to deal with....within hours of our arrival. Gina was a trouper and hopefully, had a terrific time without me holding her back. Now, if she would just crop me completely out of her photos...I would be forever grateful. <3<3<3

  3. New info! Gina, I cannot believe this, but here it is over 8 years since our trip and for some reason...I no longer feel I look so terrible. I actually feel like I look okay. I know this from past experience. I am going to have to remember that I always wonder why I think I look so awful and then in later viewing...I don't get why I felt so unattractive. The silly, unimportant things that worry me are in hindsight so trivial!
