Saturday, June 25, 2011

Taking Back My Power

You know those ugly green plants and flowers you walk past and think are weeds (if you think about them at all) - guess what? They're actually useful and healthy for you!

Learning about the world of herbs has done some interesting things for me. It has gotten me to think more about what I eat, what I put on my skin, how I relate to the world. It has enticed me to learn to recognize plants I see walking down the street or up in the hills (to "read" and understand them) and has given me a deeper connection to nature. I am learning how to use plants for more than just flavoring my food and making my home smell/look good.

I now drink a daily herb tea I blend myself instead of coffee. Because of the choice of herbs I use this tea is a tonic and helps strengthen and balance my immune system. I got this herb blend recipe from Master Herbalist, Julie James. She teaches herbal classes at a local shop. The thing I liked most about her the first time I took a class with her class was when she said that when we start making our own medicines we become more involved in our own health and take responsibility for our own well being because we know what we are putting into/on our bodies and why rather than just popping a pill to alleviate symptoms. That was when I knew I had found a good teacher - someone who is big on personal responsibility.

Rather than taking drugs that have names I can't pronounce and have no idea what is actually in them, I look for herb remedies and food choices that will restore balance to my system and therefore relieve symptons of discomfort that tell me my body is somehow out of balance. I'm also planning on making herbal lotions or oils for my dry skin rather than buying store products that have preservatives and other chemicals I don't need. I used to like citrus hand/dish soap (usually orange or yellow colored). When I switched to clear soaps my fingernails stopped having a yellow tinge after about a month. Why would I need color in hand/dish/laundry soap? It doesn't get me, my dishes or my clothes any cleaner.

I'm more aware of what is in the products I buy. I am buying less processed and more fresh food (organic when possible) - meats, fruits, vegetables. I am drinking more water and staying away from sodas and juices. Did you know that by drinking fruit juice you are getting 2 or 3 times MORE SUGAR that you would if you just ate the fruit? Also, by drinking fruit juice you are NOT getting the natural fiber in that fruit which slows down the absorption of the sugar into your system. That's why you get the sugar rush then crash from drinking juice. You're better off eating an orange or a peach than you are drinking a glass of juice.

I didn't know when I started this that I would change my life and my outlook in so many ways. Or, maybe subconsciously I did and I wanted to get back to my roots (pun intended) and relearn what my ancestors knew so long ago before big pharmacy and ad agencies.

Julie James, Master Herbalist Store in North Hollywood. Good source for herbs/oils/classes (and so much more).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Gina! Can you imagine what changes we could see in the world if these basic concepts were embraced by more folks?
    You're doing good work. Good, important work. And each of us that walks down that path, even a few steps, makes valuable change in the world and in ourselves.
    You've made me happy happy. That's TWICE as happy as I was before. You rock.

    love you

