Thursday, January 21, 2010

When Waves Receed

I remember when I took this photo. I watched for the LONGEST time to get just the right look of the shiny sand. Water absorbs back into the sand really fast when the waves recede so it took me several shots to get this just the way I wanted it to look. And it was REALLY cold that day! The lengths I go to for my art!

This is Moonstone Beach (and yes, you can find moonstones and California jade on that beach). I don't know if that's considered Central or Northern California. Anyway, the coast is still my favorite place to shoot. There are so many different colors and textures and with the movement of the sun the color and quality of the light is constantly in play, making the very same scene at 10 am look very different at 5 pm.

Being on the west coast I can only shoot the sun setting into the ocean. I could always go over to Catalina Island to get a sunrise over the ocean shot though. That's not very far. Maybe I'll go camping over there this summer.

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