Sunday, October 31, 2010

Art UnBlock #2

This is the next picture done in my New Game In Town series (until I come up with a better name I guess. See July 2, 2010 for the first one).

At those times where I want to shoot something, but I have no idea in mind I turn to my bag of word tiles. There are 3 bags - Place (or Verb), Story Title (could be a book, play, movie, song, etc.) and Noun. I pick one from each bag and shoot an image based on those three tiles. The ones I picked last night were Beach, "The Shining" and Jewelry. I knew I would be very near a beach today (for reasons other than taking photos or actually going to the beach) so I knew I could set this shot up fairly easily.

Deciding where was the tricky part. I wanted it close enough to the water line that I was going to get a wave in the shot. When I got to the beach I also decided I wanted seaweed in the image. I found a likely clump in just about the right place. The waves washed it partly away twice before I got the shot I wanted (and I left some of the jewelry I wanted to use in my car), but I got a shot I liked and one that fit the criteria of the game. I had my sister standing watch for me in case a larger rogue wave was coming in - I didn't want to get wet, have EVERYTHING washed away, or get my camera wet.

This is a good thing to remember if you are shooting at the beach (very close to or in the water), near a road with traffic on it, near a cliff edge or anywhere where you might get hurt if you're paying more attention to your viewfinder than your surroundings. I almost got washed off a rock outcrop at the beach once a long time ago, but that scare was enough to make me always remember to bring a spotter along with me if I'm going to be shooting somewhere where I have to pay close attention to what is going on around me.
If you decide to play your own version of the game I would love to see the images you come up with and the criteria associated with them. Send me a link.

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