Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dead Things Are Interesting

This is a cactus that had died. I had to look around the desert for a while before I recognized the shape and figured out which kind of cactus it was (see post for March 4th). The lines and forms are quite beautiful.

Have you ever wondered where a "tumble weed" comes from? They were living plants once. It was years before I saw a growing, living tumble weed and actually understood what I was seeing.

I think it is interesting that we, as a culture, try to hide away death (or the process of it) but we flock to museums to see the symbols of it - mummys, skelletons, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy someone (namely you) finds such enjoyment in tumbleweeds, cacti, etc. Having spent my first 20 years in the desert of AZ, I always get that "been there, gotten stuck by that" feeling when I see a jumping cactus or tumbling tumbleweed! In bloom, the desert is magnificent, I do agree. Great photos.
