Saturday, September 5, 2009

Solitary Purple

Who says you need a whole bouquet to make a pretty picture? Not me!

I can appreciate the whole forest (meadow, landscape, cityscape, etc.) as well as the next person, but I like to look for the little details that get lost or overlooked in the big picture. I tried to catch the little bug buzzing around these flowers, but he was moving too fast and I didn't have a tripod with me.

You know, this daily blog business isn't as easy as it looks. I scanned 3 photos last night and uploaded them to my "blogpix" folder, labeled them with dates, so I'd know which one I was going to pick next, then I went out taking pictures this morning and that "schedule" of photos went right out the window. At the moment I'm more inspired by today's photos than the old one's I scanned last night.

Oh, you'll see the others somewhere along the way. They're still in the folder as back up for when I don't have the time to take new ones or I just don't have the time/energy to look through the 1,000s of photos I've taken over the last 20 or so years for something to write about.

I have discovered that it's much easier to keep up with the "daily" aspect of this blog if I preload a bunch of pictures into that folder. Guess that works for most things in life, planning makes the job go smoother. I should have already known this. I DO already know this. If I was going to do a drawing or a painting I would lay out all the tools I need nearby so I wouldn't have to constantly get up and go get a pencil or a tube of paint while I'm in the middle of working. I guess maybe I thought that since this is "virtual" there wasn't any planning or preparation to do. Silly me!

Well, this blog is doing what I wanted it to to. It is inspiring me to take pictures again. I haven't been out shooting in probably more than two years and now I've been shooting quite a bit and most of it right in my own back yard. Well, not literally in my back yard, but certainly within the scope of my normal day-t0-day travels. Might not spend the whole day doing it, but bits here and there add up and I'm seeing things and places I would ordinarily have missed because I'm really "looking" at what is around me, looking for "the shot". I hope you're enjoying this little tour through my life. I am.

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