Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Will They Ever Learn?

A shooting took place in Arizona last Sunday. Some people lost their lives and the ones who remain will be forever changed.

I thought I had a lot to say about it, but what DO you say about something like that? I honor the ones who sacrificed themselves to save those they care about. I feel sorrow for the lives lost and irreparably damaged. I'm disgusted by all the talking heads (on both sides) who are finger pointing and rushing around trying to ban things. We already have plenty of "gun control" laws - it hasn't stopped the killing. And banning "hate speech" - are you kidding? Let 'em talk - at least that way we know who and where the crazy, hateful people are!

As far as the shooter goes, he should just be put in a cell somewhere and forgotten - completely. But, unfortunately his name will go down in history books somewhere along with all the other crazies who shoot public people.

It seems to me that more and more the solution to problems kids have is to remove/banish the problem - suspend the bully, segregate boys and girls so there's no harassment, ban unacceptable words or speech. Maybe we should start teaching kids at an early age how to deal with "crap" (stress, anger, bullying, depression, isolation, etc.) in more acceptable ways rather than bottling it up or acting out. Teach them effective coping skills to deal with the crap in life instead of trying to shield them from it. Maybe that would go further toward reducing both hate speech and shootings like this.

(and yes, I did shoot that photo)

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