Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Suede Tree

This tree had the most interesting look and texture. It was like suede and looked so soft. I was walking back to my car after attending a festival that a friend had invited me to and I saw so many things to photograph - including this tree. I only have a point-and-shoot camera at the moment so I couldn't get a nice close-up to really show the interesting texture.

If anyone was walking down they street they were probably wondering why the crazy lady was talking a picture of a tree on a parkway. My sister and her daughter are used to it now and they don't think anything of it.

My niece even asked me to take a picture of some tiny Lantanna flowers we passed. While we were looking at them she screamed and ran down the block. Turns out there was a very large spider about a foot above her head where she was standing looking at the flowers. It was a beautiful spider! and very large, about the size of a half dollar. That was a fun, discovery day.

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