Thursday, June 7, 2018

Malahide Beach - June 7

Thursday, June 7

 My morning started out with tea and a book out on the patio. I finally finished the book. I highly recommend it- Holding by Graham Norton. Every time I thought I had it figured out there was another unexpected (although quite plausible) twist. I also enjoy his writing style and humor.

I finally remembered to take a photo of this chimney. I asked Jane what the wire cages were on the top. She said that they are there to keep birds from flying down the chimney and getting inside. Apparently that happens around here. Jane said a bird flew down her friend's chimney and when it came out through the fireplace it brought all the soot with it. Then it crashed into the walls and blinds trying to get out and made a terrible mess. Thus, the metal cages on top.

 I considered taking a bus to Belfast today but that would be a two hour trip one way. So I took the bus to a much closer destination. I went north to Malahide. I got off the bus in the Village and then walked over to the estuary.

What a difference from Monday (Bank Holiday) when it was packed with people! We drove past this beach on the way home from our visit to the castle last Monday. I don't think there was more than a dozen people on the beach today, a couple of  families with small children. This is a great beach for small children. The waves are gentle and small. No crashing waves here. I walked on the beach for three hours!

 As I got closer to the mouth of the estuary (and the Irish Sea) the surface of the sand changed into some really interesting patterns. Also, there were lots of little piles and holes. Don't know what made them but they're really curious. I'm guessing that as the tide goes out slowly when it gets thin on the sand the wind makes little ripples in the water which creates the ripples in the sand.

There were a lot of little crab bodies scattered around on the beach. Do they get stuck there as the tide goes out? Did birds leave them there? 

I could have walked on this beach for another three hours or more! It was warm and there was as good breeze blowing so it was very comfortable. I think I even got a slight sunburn. Who gets a sunburn in Ireland???

Went back to Jane's place. We had some really good Chines food for dinner.

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