Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Spider In My Garden

I discovered a spider web in my tomato cage yesterday morning on my way out to work. It was so delicate and so perfectly woven. I had to spray it with a mist in order to shoot it. I think I confused the spider who made it. It wasn't in the web when I sprayed, but it ran into the center of the web - probably looking for food - when the weight of the water drops moved the web. I could imagine it muttering to itself about 'the one that got away" when it didn't find any food.

The web is still there today, although not as tidy and new looking so I hope it has been successful in it's hunting. I just hope whatever is flying around pollinates the flowers on my tomato plants first before it gets caught in the web. 

I need to get a macro lens!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pre Salsa

Can't wait for my tomatoes to grow up so I can make salsa. I stopped buying tomatoes in the store years ago. I just wasn't worth spending money on something so tasteless. I haven't grown them for a couple of years now, but I bought a couple of heirloom tomatoes over at Green Arrow a few weeks ago - one is Amish Paste, a plum tomato, and the other is Brandywine Red Potato Leaf, a rounder tomato. The Amish Paste has smaller leaves and has grown about 2 1/2 times larger than the Brandywine. Right now it's full of flowers that will soon turn to tomatoes. The Brandywine has much larger leaves (like a potato plant - hence the name I guess) and currently has only one flower on it.  

I haven't grown either of these varieties before. I usually grow the Early Girl. Thought I'd try something different this year. If I like them I'll save the seeds and grow them next year. Someone taught me about saving tomato seeds (or anything with very small seeds) - you just spread the seeds from the whole tomato out on a paper towel and let them dry really well. Later, when you want to plant, just tear off a piece of the paper towel, lay it in a small pot with soil and cover lightly with more soil. All (or most) of the seeds will sprout and when they get big enough you can thin them out and transplant them into another pot or into the garden.

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Game In Town

I was having trouble with coming up ideas for photos and artwork in general. My niece told me that she had a teacher who had a box of craft sticks on her desk that had sentences written on them The teacher would  have the kids draw a stick each then use the sentence on the stick as the beginning of a story.

From that idea I came up with another idea of my own to push creative ideas. I bought some small wooden disks at the craft store. I wrote nouns on 10 of them, places on 10, and titles of books, movies, songs on 10 more (both sides for a total of 20 for each category). When I get stuck for an idea I pull one disk from each pile and create something out of the words I pull. This one was I Robot, red & box.